For Better, For Worse

Songs about Marriage

Marriage means different things to different cultures, and each couple's experience with it may be unique. Furthermore, it continues to evolve. This recording explores marriage as depicted in songs about arranged marriages, child brides, dowries, love itself, village wedding celebrations, a love triangle, infidelity, gay marriage, and widowhood. A New Yorker cartoon portrays a bride saying "I hope it's not too much worse." But of course, that's a play on the real intent of these words from the English institution of marriage, which speak of a bond of help and comfort to face better or worse, sickness or health, prosperity or want. This is not a Valentines or 'wedding songs' program, this is Marriage: the Big Picture.”


CALL: 585-230-2894


By Mail:
Madrigalia Recordings
PO Box 92068
Rochester, NY 14692

Compact Disc            $12.00
Shipping/Handling   $2.00