Sponsorship and Advertising
Whether it's sponsorship of the whole season, or just one event, your support not only helps Madrigalia, but it can also be a great way to honor or memorialize a loved one.
Season Underwriter: $1000 and above
Season Sponsorship Benefits:
Name and/or logo on printed fliers and posters for the season
Full-page advertisement in concert programs
Four complimentary tickets to each concert
Public thanks at all performances and in all press releases
Concert or Event Sponsor: $500 - $999
Concert or Event Sponsorship Benefits:
Name and/or logo on printed fliers and posters for that concert
Full-page advertisement in that concert program
Four complimentary tickets to that concert
Public thanks at the performance(s) and in all press releases related to that concert
Program Advertising: $75 - $300
Madrigalia invites businesses to advertise in our 2020-2021 programs. By placing an ad with us, you:
Reach over 850 potential customers and clients from the greater Rochester community, people who notice and appreciate the businesses that support local arts.
Build awareness and interest for your business through repeat visibility, reminding the community to buy local and support the local economy.
Partner with Madrigalia to share the magical experience of fine choral singing with our community.